
Monday 12 June, CNRS-LCC, Auditorium Fernand Gallais


13:00-14:00     Registration Hall LCC


14:00-14:10     Welcome Introduction - Didier Trouche, CBI, Toulouse


14:10-16:00     Session 1 - Chairs Véronique Adoue and Olivier Joffre


14:10              Chloé Oudinet, IPBS, Toulouse

                     An inducible CTCF insulator delays the IgH 3’ regulatory region-mediated class switch recombination

14:40              Agathe Malbec, CPTP, Toulouse

                     Epigenetic control of CD4 T cell functions

15:10              Anne Dejean, CPTP, Toulouse

                     Foxo3/Eomes axis in T helper cell differentiation and autoimmunity

15:40              Technological seminar - Active Motif


16:00-16:30     Coffee break Hall LCC


16:30-18:30     Session 2 - Chairs Kerstin Bystricky and Olivier Cuvier


16:30              Dominic Van Essen, IRCAN, Nice

                     Searching for significant similarities between genomic datasets

17:00              Bernd Schuttengruber, IGH, Montpellier

            Dissecting the functional importance of Polycomb Response Element (PRE) interactions for the formation of epigenetic chromatin domains in Drosophila

17:30              Léo Pioger, IGMM, Montpellier

INE-seq: a genome-wide isolation of retrotransposons LINE and SINE sequencing technique

18:00              Thomas Clouaire, LBCMCP/CBI, Toulouse

                     Characterising the chromatin landscape at DNA double-strand breaks


19:00-00:00     Dinner

                     Hôtel de Marvejol - 47 rue Pharaon 31000 Toulouse (Métro Ligne B, Carmes)


Tuesday 13 June, CNRS-LCC, Auditorium Fernand Gallais


08:30-9:00       Welcome coffee Hall LCC


09:00-10:45     Session 3 - Chairs Gaëlle Legube and Didier Trouche


09:00              Yuki Ogiyama, IGH, Montpellier

                     Stepwise, multiscale 3D genome organization during early fly development

09:30              Haitham Shaban, LBME/CBI, Toulouse

High resolution mapping of chromatin dynamics within the entire nucleus during transcription

10:00              Olivier Cuvier, CBI, Toulouse

                     Chromatin-encoded transcriptional memory: novel views from single-cell omics

10:30              Technological seminar - Covaris


10:45-11:15     Coffee breakHall LCC


11:15-13:00     Session 4 - Chairs Luisa Di Stefano and Thomas Clouaire - session « Fondation ARC »


11:15              Thierry Buchou, IAB, Grenoble

                     From cancer to male genome imprinting

11:45              Camille Dion, GMGF, Marseille

Facio-Scapulo-Humeral Distrophy and Bosma Arhinia Microphtalmia Syndrome: epigenetic regulation by the SMHCD1 protein

12:15              Mathias Boulanger, IGMM, Montpellier

SUMOylation and control of gene expression: involvment in acute myeloïd leukemia response to chemotherapeutic drugs

12:45              Technological seminar - Diagenode


13:00-14:30     Lunch Hall LCC


14:30-16:30     Session 5 - Chairs Marta Kwapisz and Frédéric Béckouët


14:30              Boubou Diagouraga, IGH, Montpellier

PRDM9 methyltransferase activity is required for specificying meiotic recombination initiation sites in mouse                      

15:00              Robert Feil, IGMM, Montpellier

Meg3 non-coding RNA expression controls imprinting by preventing transcriptional upregulation in cis

15:30              Ariel Galindo, CPTP, Toulouse

Genome-wide characterization of mammalian promoters with distal enhancer functions

16:00              Alain Vincent, CBI, Toulouse

Dynamics of transcriptional (re)-programming of syncytial nuclei in developing muscles


16:30-16:45     Prize - Conclusions

16:45              Refreshments Hall LCC

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